Tuesday, July 18, 2023

I Know a Girl

A photo of Loving You Barbie, released in 1983

I know a girl
Who’s fair and pretty
She sprinkles hashtags
Like confetti—
Blessed and grateful
Live laugh love
Her heart’s pure gold.
She’s a shimmering dove.

And I look in the mirror
At my dark hair
And at the shadows
Blessed or unblessed?
Give try share
Heart on my sleeve,
Crafting castles in the air.

© penciledpage.com

Monday, July 17, 2023


A photo of clouds and a poem called Magnetic by Ingrid Lobo

© penciledpage.com

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Tori Amos: Piece by Piece by Tori Amos and Ann Powers

Tori Amos: Piece by Piece by Tori Amos and Ann Powers

Tori Amos: Piece by Piece is an autobiography of the musician Tori Amos that was cowritten by Amos and Ann Powers. Published on February 8, 2005, the memoir describes Tori Amos’s childhood and musical training, her creative process, and her career and musical circle. The book also provides an enlightening look at Tori’s relationship with her fans and her family life.

As a longtime fan, I enjoyed the parts of the book that described Tori Amos’s songwriting process and creative inspirations. I also liked the chapter on her image in terms of fashion and photography. I gained a sense of what touring is like for her and her crew. It was fun to learn how she creates her unique setlists with consideration for the city she’s playing in and current events. The chapter on her split from Atlantic Records was informative. I knew it was acrimonious, but I had no idea how awful it was. She provides some great advice for aspiring musicians about the music industry.

I wish the book had sharper editing overall. Though I’m a big fan, I found it hard to read the memoir at times. The chapter titles and effort to relate Tori to archetypes and mythological characters seemed forced to me.

Purchase and read books by Tori Amos:

Tori Amos: Piece by Piece by Tori Amos and Ann Powers Resistance by Tori Amos

© penciledpage.com

Friday, July 7, 2023


I haven't been drawing for a while, but last night I set aside some time to sketch this delicate rose.

Pen and Ink Drawing of a Rose by Ingrid Lobo

© penciledpage.com

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Spring Buttercup

Here's a little spring buttercup I drew this morning.

Pen and Ink Drawing of a Spring Buttercup by Ingrid Lobo

© penciledpage.com

Cherry Blossoms

I drew some cherry blossoms on an early morning airplane flight.

Pen and Ink Drawing of Cherry Blossoms by Ingrid Lobo

© penciledpage.com